
Church membership in today's culture may seem antiquated. However, SIBC believes there is a direct connection between membership and spiritual growth. Many people look for community and spiritual growth, but they reject the need for commitment and the idea of spiritual accountability.

SIBC believes membership in the local church is vital to our spiritual growth and joy in the faith. The authors of the New Testament, primarily wrote to local churches with the intention that the Word of God would be received by a gathered community that was committed and accountable to one another.

The first step towards church membership is to attend our SIBC 101 class, which is offered several times throughout the year. SIBC 101 is both a requirement for membership and an opportunity for you to find out more about our church, including the ministries that we offer. The 101 Class is a wonderful place to ask any questions. After you attend the class and turn the membership form into the church office, one of the elders will follow up with you if you have questions or if clarifications are needed. Candidates seeking membership at SIBC will then be affirmed by the congregation on a Sunday morning following our time of corporate worship.