Our Mission

The Mission of SIBC can be simply summarized in 3 simple words; for God’s glory we seek to... 

Equip. Grow. Love.


We want to equip people to follow Christ (Ephesians 4:12).

We want to grow to be more like Christ (Ephesians 4:13-15).

We want to demonstrate the love of Christ to our world (Ephesians 4:16).


The palm frond carried great significance in the ancient world, when a king or war hero was welcomed home, palm branches were laid out creating a path for him to enter the city. In Roman times, champions and military elite were honored by crowds  waving of palm branches. King Solomon had palm branches carved into the doors and walls of the temple. The Gospel of John tells us that crowds gathered and laid palm branches before Jesus expressing their excitement as the long awaited Messiah entered Jerusalem. Revelation states that people from every nation will raise palm branches to honor Jesus as the triumphal King who is victorious over sin. (Revelation 7:9). The palm branch represents a twofold significance for this body, as a physical symbol of our location on Skidaway Island but even greater it serves as a reminder of our purpose. We desire to be a people who are preparing the way for the King. We exist to exalt Christ and to make him known in our community and the world.

1 Kings 6, Psalm 118, John 12:12-13, Matthew 21: 8-9, Revelation 7:9